All Are Welcome Here
There is a place for you at First!
Eugene First United Methodist Church is a Reconciling Congregation. As followers of the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, we affirm that all people are created in the image of God, are beloved children of God, and are worthy of God's grace. In accord with the ministry of John Wesley, we hold to a vision of an inclusive church that welcomes people of diverse faith journeys, beliefs, and opinions in a loving and caring community. All people of any sexual orientation, gender identity, marital or family status, age, race, ethnicity, mental or physical ability, and economic situation are welcome to attend, join and participate fully in the life of our faith community as sisters and brothers in Christ.
You can learn more about the Reconciling Ministries Network here.
We cannot wait to connect with you!
Click here for a calendar of ways to connect!
Returning to in-person worship…
Welcome to worship with the First United Methodist Church of Eugene!
We returned to in-person worship in our sanctuary, at 10:00am. All are welcome!
We also broadcast our worship service live on Sunday mornings, at 10:00am, on YouTube.
Click here to visit our YouTube Channel.
We post a link to that worship experience on our church Facebook page - which you can find here:
In compliance with Oregon Health Authority recommendations and requirements, masks are required at all times while you are here at church.