Making a Difference in Our Community

We believe we are called to live differently and make a difference in our world.  

Come experience a community where all are welcome, where we value restoration and wholeness, and where all are working for peace with justice. 


Life Transforming Justice and Mission

The people of the First United Methodist Church are committed to serving our community, and every single week there are opportunities for you to come alongside and help.  Whether it is preparing weekend groceries for families at Cesar Chavez Elementary School, organizing in our community to serve those in need, or serving homeless youth - there is a place for you to serve at First! 

Faithful Worship 

Sundays at First you can expect to find the best of United Methodist worship. Join us at 10am for a worship service that includes fun opportunities for the youth and children, and amazing music that you will want to invite your friends to experience.  See you at 1376 Olive Street in Eugene!

Beautiful Music

We are home to the Oregon Children's Choir, and we support an amazing "Concerts at First" series that you will love!